Rent Storage

These are the unit sizes available, price includes HST:

Small - 5x10 (5 x 10 x 10)

It fits the contents of a family room.

C$75.71 / month

Waiting List

Medium - 10x10 (10 x 10 x 10)

We estimate that it fits the contents of one bedroom apartment

C$109.61 / month

Waiting List

Medium Plus - 10x15 (10 x 15 x 10)

It fits the contents of 1.5 full bedrooms.

C$132.21 / month

Waiting List

Large - 10x20 (10 x 20 x 10)

It fits the contents of two full bedrooms.

Starting at
C$157.80 / month*

Large Plus - 10x25 (10 x 25 x 10)

It fits the contents of two full bedrooms.

C$200 / month

Waiting List

Extra Large - 10x30 (10 x 30 x 10)

It fits the contents of two full bedrooms plus additional space

C$254.25 / month

Waiting List

Extra Large Plus - 10x40 (10 x 40 x 10)

It fits the contents of one-bed apartment or a full size automobile

C$336.30 / month

Waiting List

*Prices may reflect a discount from a longer term agreement.